Grant -- ISRF First Book Grant (FBG2)
The awards are intended as providing a stipend to allow applicants full or partial relief from non-academic duties, for a period of up to one year; alternatively, the award may be sought by those who wish to be bought-out from a non-academic employment contract (in whole or partially), with the prior consent of their current employer. The award period must begin no later than the end of December 2025, and awardees would be expected – by the end of the award period – to have produced a manuscript for submission to publishers.
The amount of an award will depend on individual circumstances – the ISRF expects applications for grants up to a maximum of €41,500 (or GBP equivalent), of which no more than €34,000 may be allocated to the cost-of-living stipend. Up to €7,500 may be requested to cover reasonable research expenses, which might include necessary additional fieldwork trips, transcription, copy-editing, illustration costs etc.. Reasonable childcare or other domestic costs may be considered.
This opportunity is closed to applications.